Light & joy and peace abide in me. [W-p1.93.5.1]
There is an old parable about a child who runs away from home. The child is sick of her parents telling her what to do. Who to be. She wants a life of freedom and adventure.
Once the child is out in the world she goes wild. She parties. She has a good time. She lives it up in all kinds of ways she could never have done had she stayed at home.
Then she runs out of cash. Suddenly she is living on the streets. Hooks up with some nefarious characters who steal her money. Her freedom. Even her dignity.
Left alone. Barely clothed. Desolate. Discouraged with nowhere else to go. She somehow manages to make her way back to her parents’ house. She expects derision. She expects rejection. At the very least, she expects an I told you so.
Instead her parents say simply-We love you and we are so glad you are home.
Lesson 93 reminds me of the similar warmth of coming home.
We can think the things we have done are so ugly. So repelling, we could never be loved. That if anyone saw the truth about our being. They would run away screaming (or at the very least cringing) into the night.
But source plainly says: these are just weird, foolish beliefs. Fantasies made of the dust and illusion our programming has told us is our due. In truth, this illusion does not exist at all. The truth of who you are can never change. Nothing can touch or change the part of us that is eternal. And our perceived sins are just meaningless remnants made of dusty memories. And these illusions were never who we really are.
Light, Joy & Peace in coming home to our Divinity.
Namaste in Light Dear Ones!
All quotes are from A Course in Miracles, copyright ©1992, 1999, 2007 by the Foundation for Inner Peace, 448 Ignacio Blvd., #306, Novato, CA 94949, www.acim.org and info@acim.org, used with permission.