There is another way of looking at the world. [W-p1.33.4.1]
Sometimes when I engage in that ominous 4 letter word…News I believe the dominant paradigm.
I see political unrest. Arguments. Disease.
All of these things allow me to believe that the world is a scary place. That I should hole-up in my room and pull the covers over my head. That it would be easier if I did.
But Lesson 33 reminds me that I can buy into this version of reality. Or I can remember there is another way of looking at the world. One where the story my mind tells me about out there doesn’t become a story in here as well.
Because they really are one in the same.
When I choose to believe a story that is not-so-awesome, I will go out and, as Jean-Luc Picard says-Make it So. Both internally and externally.
But, as Lesson 33 invites, I can ask to see things differently. I can allow there are still random smiles from neighbors. People who hold the door open for you. And those rare gem-like friends who believe in you no matter what.
This is the world I want to see. These are the moments I will look for in this life. And today, just for today, I just might find a whole new world of awesomeness. Right outside the window of my perception.
Namaste Light Worker!
All quotes are from A Course in Miracles, copyright ©1992, 1999, 2007 by the Foundation for Inner Peace, 448 Ignacio Blvd., #306, Novato, CA 94949, and, used with permission.