I will not value what is valueless. [W-p1.133.3.1]
A friend of mine recently went to a jewelry store with her husband. He had a gift certificate to redeem and picked out a lovely item. In the tradition of random dollars left on a gift card, there was about $4 left to spend.
They asked the proprietor if there was anything close to that amount available. As luck would have it, he had some $4 rings in a dish. She picked one out and took it home. Turns out it was one of the best rings she had ever bought. It never tarnished. Never faded. She still has the ring to this day. That was over 20 years ago. Inadvertently, my friend had found something valuable.
Lesson 133 reminds me that I can see value in some pretty f’d up things. Temporary stuffs that don’t last. Like material possessions. Or ill-will. And when I choose to put my attention on things that fade. I find no satisfaction in my world. A bland black and white version of the vivid colors of life that can always be. Missing out on the life we are meant to be in living color.
Lesson 133 encourages us to ask for more. It reminds us that focusing on valueless things is not asking too much of our lives. But too little. What is anchored in time can never hold the value our limitless souls were born to experience.
My friend recently went to have her ring engraved. This jeweler couldn’t believe she had purchased that ring for $4. Evidently, it was worth much, much more. Our decisions are easy. Our yoke is light. When we choose what is truly valuable in this world. Love. Joy. Eternity. Well, we find the unexpected value in our lives we could never imagine was there all along. Just like my friend’s ring. It is this endless circle of love that belongs to us in truth.
Namaste LightWorker. Shine on!
All quotes are from A Course in Miracles, copyright ©1992, 1999, 2007 by the Foundation for Inner Peace, 448 Ignacio Blvd., #306, Novato, CA 94949, www.acim.org and info@acim.org, used with permission.