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ACIM Rewind: The Duality of Our Parallel Universes-ACIM Lesson #130

Writer: Estelle KristyEstelle Kristy

It is impossible to see two worlds. [W-p1.130.2.1]

Many, many years ago I took a weekend trip to Hermann. Hermann is a small town in Missouri that has four weeks of festival for a German holiday-Oktoberfest-every year.

Oktoberfest is a rip-roaring good time. It can be a chaotic festival of drinking, revelry and general shenanigans.

As such, I am certain the local residents have a love/hate relationship with the festivities. Great for local businesses. But difficult to navigate the tsunami of patrons.

All this to say I was there, perhaps overindulged with friends one evening when we decided to check out a friends' BnB. All 10 of us.

It is understandable, that the patron of this establishment was suspicious upon our arrival. Even more understandable that she was peeking out of the window before we entered. As we were looking around, she quickly intervened.

No extra peeps in the unit. She said. Some of the group protested. But, being a people-pleaser to the core, I quickly agreed. We’ll just leave I said. As we were exiting one of our companions picked a leaf off of her tree. Let’s just say she wasn’t pleased about the tree maiming.

That would be the end of the story if a tiny plot twist hadn’t occurred. The next morning, we were having breakfast with some other friends who happened to be there the same weekend. They said they were talking with their host who told them the story of a rowdy group of youngsters trying to cram into a room together to party. Adding insult to injury, a tall blonde girl kept assaulting her tree. Even after she had asked her to stop. Then the same rude girl sarcastically replied We’ll just LEAVE then.

Hmmm….see any similarities? It was, indeed, the same proprietor. The same story.

Lesson 130 reminds me that the world we see can be very different from that of our fellow earth-monkeys. Whose version of the story is correct? Though my ego would LOVE to corroborate my version of the story….I guarantee this would not change this woman’s version of hers.

And who’s to say she isn’t right? Our perceptions reflect our thinking. And we choose what we want to see. Right. Wrong. In the world of truth, none of this matters. There could have been twenty young girls assaulting trees before I ever met this poor woman. Damaging her carefully cultivated plants and property. Partying with copious friends in rooms meant for one or two guests.

Fear obscures our reality. Both hers AND mine. I recall being so angry at the time. Simmering in my righteous-right. But today I see things differently. I choose differently. And when it’s hard to let go of my attachment to negative thinking, I ask for a strength beyond my own to seek the truth of who someone is. Who I am. Who everyone is together beyond any illusion of meaningless misunderstandings of separation.

I invite you to see clearly today dear friends. Our perspective is only a grain of sand in the timelessness of eternity. True vision lives miles beyond the kind of seeing that comes from what we think we know as truth in front of us.

Ask to see clearly today my friends. Know that Source is waiting for this request. HAS been waiting for many moons. Source is this true vision in all you see. In love, we ask for the freedom and deliverance from the unreality that is life constrained to sight alone.

Happy Vision of Love today Dear LightWorkers.

All quotes are from A Course in Miracles, copyright ©1992, 1999, 2007 by the Foundation for Inner Peace, 448 Ignacio Blvd., #306, Novato, CA 94949, and, used with permission.



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