Some of you may know that I have been trying to systematically lure an outside cat, Gwendolyn, into the house.
Gwendolyn is sweet, considerate, and outright lovely. She is so polite that she waits at the open door to be asked in (see pic).
So what’s the problem? You might ask. Punch.
Punch is my 13 year old male cat.
Punch has been an only child for years.
Punch is not interested in having a friend.
Poor Gwen tries to entice him by laying down in front of him. She never eats his wet food or treats. She even lets him growl at her.
But Punch, well, he’s undecided.
He’s been the only cat in the house for 13 years. And his home is his safe space. He likes routine so much that he has worn tracks in the downstairs carpet by following the same path over & over again (see pic).

He has traveled this path so often the divots won’t vacuum out.
The worst thing for Punch is the unknown. When Gwen comes around a blind corner it frightens Punch, and he growls or swipes at her. He’s not trying to be a jerk, he’s just startled. He doesn’t expect to see what has never been there before.
And he reacts poorly to the change.
Sometimes I wonder if I’m a little like Punch myself. I get used the way things have always been. I like my routine, safety, and security. I am frightened of not knowing what’s next around my corners. And I don’t know how well I’ll adapt to the uncertainty of change.
Perhaps we all have a little Punch in us….worried about the future. Unsure of the changes and uncertainty that accompanies our daily lives lately.
But-here’s the kicker- What if something wonderful is waiting around our blind corner, my beloveds? What if, lost in the unknown, in the terrifying list of confusing possibilities, is the opportunity to find a world greater than we could ever imagine.
Glorious new connections with people and places we never would have taken the time to pursue. A close examination and faith in our previously unrealized ability to confront and overcome fears slumbering in our unconscious. And a renewed faith in our unique ability as humans to rise again to whatever challenges may come before us.
It is a glorious battle we are fighting right now my friends. But we get to choose the outcome.
Will we continue to swipe around proverbial blind corners at one-another? Or will we love the unknown, respect the unseen? And see the spirit within our fellow humans that has always been there. Our brothers. Our sisters. Doing the very best they can in a scary new world to protect themselves from danger.
I would argue that the human spirit, ALL human spirit, is a brave flame of love that can never be extinguished.
Feed the flame. Feed the love. And look past the exterior to find the holy unity that is the magnificent one in all of us.
Be in peace. Be in love. Be one.
Namaste dear ones.