I will accept my part in God’s plan for salvation.
Lately I’ve been reading a lot of Eckhart Tolle. A New Earth.
The book is amazing. Lots of esoteric stuffs I can sink my teeth into. He wraps the book up by talking about how to apply these concepts on the practical. And guess what this week’s chapter was? Purpose…Ahhhh Synchronicities.
Tolle divides purpose into two ideas-the external and internal. External purpose, according to Tolle, changes with time, circumstances, experiences and calling. Internal purpose is constant connection with God/Source.
Lesson 98 reminds us, like Tolle, that we have a mighty purpose to fulfill. That nothing that causes fear or disturbs our peace can move that internal compass, no matter what is happening on the outside.
What the Universe brings you is exactly what you need to grow in order to fulfill that external purpose. And what lives within is unmoved by the world of time. Living in the perfection of the Divine experience of the moment you are in.
And when it gets rough. When fear calls you back to a place of uncertainty. Use these wise words from Paster Sandra Campbell to sustain you:
I think peace. I feel peace. I AM peace. Remember who you are.
Trust in the confidence of the source of who you are. Have faith that you were born to light the world with your conviction of purpose. The timeless peace that is your core being is always willing to lay down all earthly tasks to appreciate this gladness. To find the Joy in One-ness that is always present within your island of self.
Namaste Dear Friends!