I merely follow, for I would not lead.
I have mentioned. Many times. But it warrants repeating. I am a control-a-holic.
I am addicted. My big bad brain loves coming up with crazy scenarios that I try to ensure don’t happen. I stew. I worry. I even try to force people to think like I do sometimes.
Lesson 324 reminds me that the Divine has a bigger plan for my life than I could ever create. And when I worry. When I try to control the outcome. When I live in fear rather than love, I set myself up for a very limited existence of seeing the worst in people.
When I stop. When I allow. When I let (thank you Ms. Underwood) Jesus or Divine self or Source inside of me lead, I open myself to possibilities so much better than my worrisome thinking can come up with.
So even when we wander into worry. Or when we detour from our purpose-filled path. Truth is waiting. And it can lead us to a big, bad-ass beautiful life greater than we could ever imagine.
Namaste Dear Ones!