There is nothing my holiness cannot do.
There are many days when I wake up in self-doubt. Serious self-doubt. Did I do the right thing? Say the right thing? Match my pants correctly to my shirt.
Life presents us with many crossroads. Seemingly in every moment. We can choose to ride the train of negativity. Or get on board with the big D-The Divine within.
From this place of unlimited power, I get to see beyond the delusion of limitation and lack the world can sometimes present with on the outside. Or even worse, when it shows up within.
Lesson 38 asks us to remember our holiness, especially in those not so perfect moments of self-doubt. And, even better, it reminds us this thinking is contagious.
A dear friend of mine recently passed. She was one of those people who lit up every room.
Who always checked in on you. Had a cup of java ready. And who never seemed rushed when she listened. Whoever she was with was the only person in the room. And this was felt, deeply, by those who were blessed enough to encounter her.

This friend’s holiness (see pic) had a profound impact on the way I look at life.
Despite what my daily might be telling me about what’s important. She recognized that the most important encounter-is the one that’s right in front of you.
Her powerful presence transformed the world. And because of her gifts, I now see everything differently.
Who are you transforming today dear friends? When you look at the person or situation in front of you-how can your holiness create an alchemy of good will and compassion in the world?
I have no doubt that this gift of your powerful Divine holiness transforms the world-moment by precious moment.
Namaste Light Workers!